Art club success

The Covid Pandemic has been detrimental to millions of people around
the world. Indiscriminate and almost unstoppable, it has wreaked havoc
across the globe, causing panic and heartache wherever it spreads and
whomever it touches.
Sadly, the reality for survivors of domestic abuse and violence is the
pandemic has created multi-dimensional challenges, fleeing isolation
only to still feel isolated, being afraid to leave to, still being afraid to
leave and emotional distress, reinforced by more anxiety and distress.
At Anah project, we knew we had to work harder by supporting women
to try to continue their routines and strategies to ensure they were able
to face the challenges ahead.
One of the early interventions we used was Art Therapy.
Anah Project recognises emotional freedom techniques are a valuable
tool that can help victims of abuse to overcome trauma and PTSD. As
part of our holistic support model; we were committed to continuing to
provide pathways to development even when faced with the challenges of a lack of opportunities during COVID. We supported women on their journey to recovery by providing in-house Art Therapy sessions with safeguarding/social distancing measures in place.
Each session focused on using creative techniques to achieve the desired result.
Service users learned about various aspects of art such as Impasto, abstract
calligraphy and Afrocentric Art.
As the sessions progressed, women became more enthusiastic, giving their total attention to the tasks ahead and looked forward to the next session with anticipation.
Service users reported a sense of achievement and recognised personal
transferable skills to manage anxiety, stress, and improve time management.
Service users reported an increase in self-belief, improved confidence, and the freedom of expression through the medium of art at a time when choices and options were limited due to the pandemic.